Popular culture is the culture that prevails in a modern society, adopted and appealing to large masses of people, normally the middle class citizens. Culture consists of the customs and civilizations of a particular group. Popular culture means that arte facts and styles of human expression develop from the creativity of ordinary people, and circulate among people according to their interests, preferences, and tastes. Popular culture is an ever-changing phenomenon within our society today. It is both a reflection of our culture as well as a driving force behind what shapes our culture. It is seen in our clothing we wear, the music we listen to, the movies we pay to see, even the cars that we drive. Popular culture is all about “cool” and “new”. For most, it is not something that is learned, but knowledge that is garnered through one’s growth. Popular culture thus comes from people, but it is not just given to them. Since the beginning of popular culture, people are following the trends. Since the beginning of popular culture, the music and the film industries are changing in incredible speed. Throughout the decades, Pop culture has become an important part of our lives. The more we try to hide from it, the more close it comes.
High culture, such as the opera, historic art, classical music, traditional theater or literature, is the opposite of popular culture. High culture is the realm of the wealthy and educated classes. High culture includes museums, operas and ballet companies, orchestra’s cinema
While, some people blindly believe that they should stick to the high culture to show their high educated background and wealthy. They want to make them separated form low classes, representing and proving their identifies. They listen to Mozart, Beethoven to show their high-level tastes. They blindly imitate those upper classes in Europe, chasing luxury brands, watching operas and ballet. They think they can be upgraded to