When I first came into this class I was somewhat egocentric I thought that my broad views and beliefs on pop culture could have not been different than others, so I thought. However, as the class went on, and I read the articles which many of them I found very interesting. And the critical thinking pages of our hand book I clearly needed to learn more about pop culture in our society and what role it plays. The other thing I did not know was the more a person questions pop culture the more reason you can get out of it.
I believe that I do view pop culture in a different way now that I have taken this course I can think about what I am watching, listening and getting into or what pop culture and our society want me to know. However, there is one thing I cannot get around and it’s that I do not understand what makes our society like in pop culture as to music, attire or “the hip trends”. The other thing is that it moves to fast and in some cases can get cliché with saying it too much .I can also go into a deeper level question, for example, in …show more content…
our hand book( Critical Thinking Concepts & Tools page 6). This makes me dissect into what the main purpose or concern is of the concept without getting myself hooked.
I feel for the future of pop culture there will be major changes because of economic status of the country.
I believe that most of the things that we find “cool or hip” in our society today will be gone or altered because of people’s minds towards issues facing our country. What seems funny and cool to someone later on will find it offensive maybe because of financial problems, and will also change depending on the current economical world. The other thing that will change or shape pop culture in the future will be the people everyone has a different perspective of the world one that we can grasp. I read a really interesting article on this that I will mention later. There is also technology and how much social interaction there is between individuals. The more technology there is the less a person can share or exchange stimulus with one another something that is vital to shaping our
In the class I fell that there needs to be more free writes, but instead of writing it down and then turning it in. The class should get in small groups have each student write a key point down and share why it’s important. However, the groups should be different every time so the responses are diverse and unique. One thing I really liked about the class was the readings they were a bit long, but the articles opened my mind. The article that I found to be very cool was “The Illusion of Asymmetric Insight” when I read this I was flabbergasted by how people actually might think they know about the opposing side, but in reality they know nothing. I found this to be important in pop culture because this “asymmetric insight” helps us in a way shape our beliefs especially in politics and social issues. There is however, one thing I did not like and that was the documentaries they seemed to be somewhat old, but cool.
In the end I would like to add that one fundamental concept and that is that to really recognize how important pop culture we must understand other counties pop culture. In way that we get a broad overview to see if something in our culture might get affected. Though our culture ask why does those people eat fast food all the time it’s the way of the fast moving world or it could be that people are to laze to cook it will be interesting to know. The counclusions made I do believe that people control, consum, and shape who we are in our society and wh