Population density is defined by the number of people and the area size in which they reside. The effects of urbanization on the human race vary between cultures. However, there is clearly a relationship between population density and human behavior (Rosenbnerg, 2011, para. 1). Whether the answer is moving to a less dense area, or adapting to an urban area depends on individual personality and preference. For centuries, Americans have dealt with overcrowded cities in order to secure jobs and maintain relationships. We either adapt or move to rural areas. To adapt, we have created an elaborate behavior system consisting of both written and unwritten rules of conduct. In written form, we have laws such as: don’t steal, don’t speed, or don’t kill. Unwritten rules are those that make it more pleasurable to reside in a dense population, such as avoiding loud music after a certain hour in order to accommodate your neighbors. The experience of living in a dense environment heavily relies on one’s surroundings and the people with which we interact. Naturally, the more populated an area is, the great possibility of crime and all the negativity that surrounds it. To combat this problem, societies establish governments and judicial systems (Nusca, 2010, para. 6). On a smaller scale, most people have had an experience in a dense population such as summer camp, or dorm life. Living in such a small space with a large group of people can present challenges. People have different levels of tolerance. While some may overlook other’s negative habits, some will be annoyed. This can, in turn, cause aggressive behavior. Humans need space, and close quarters create tension. Economic resources can also have a bearing on how a person adjusts to population density. Having funds readily available allows a person to have greater options when dealing with overcrowding. For example, living in a large city is often expensive. More money
References: Nusca, A. (2010). Debating smart growth: Is urban or suburban living better? Retrieved electronically from www.smartplanet .com. Rosenbnerg, M. (2011). Population Density. Retrieved electronically from www.about.com.