"The Great Population Debate" is a section from the book Biosphere 2000. This segment of the book discusses various viewpoints regarding population growth, and attempts to clarify concepts on either side of the debate....Is human population a problem?
Two groups believe that "there is no population problem", Cornucopians and Marxists. "Cornucopians argue that people are the world 's ultimate resource and the more of them, the better" (Biosphere 2000, 130). The Cornucopian viewpoint sees continued population growth as positive, and if problems arise human inventiveness will solve them. "Marxists argue that poverty is the result of the unequal distribution of resources rather than unchecked population growth" (Biosphere 2000, 130). They believe the primary focus should be on distributing people more evenly.
Three groups believe that "there is a population problem", Malthusians, Neomalthusians, and advocates of zero population growth. Malthusians follow the works of Thomas Malthus that "unless population growth is controlled by laws or other
References: Kaufman, Donald G, and Cecilia M Franz. Biosphere 2000. Chapter 8: An Environmental Imperative. Pages 130-131. 1993. Withgott, Jay, and Scott Brennan. Environment: The Science Behind the Stories. 2nd ed. San Francisco: Pearson Benjamin Cummings, 2007.