In the old days there was pin ups and now in the 21st century we have pornography. Pornography can be defined as “material that depicts erotic behavior and is intended to cause sexual excitement” (as in pictures or writing). (Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, 2012) Erotic material has changed exponentially pinups girls used to be fully clothed and now being naked on a magazine cover is the norm. Pornography is believed to have been “born” in Rome around 1524. (Lawner, 1989) Throughout history there has been multiple instances when people were painted or sculpted naked however we do not know if these images fall under the definition of pornography. Pornography is a fast growing market with $3,075.64 being spent on porn every second you can imagine how huge the market actually is, meaning that porn can more than likely be accessed any where. (Ropelato, Internet Pornography Statistics, 2006) This paper will discuss both sides of the argument should pornography be legal or illegal?
Porn should be illegal The biggest concern and complaint of people is that porn creates problems such as child pornography, and online perpetrators. Child Pornography Children are more at risk in societies in this booming Internet and technology age. Child pornography is defined as “the visual representation of minors under the age of 18 engaged in sexual activity or the visual representation of minors engaging in lewd or erotic behavior designed to arouse the viewer 's sexual interest”(Law, 2008). In 2011 about 12,966 URL’s were reported to contain child sexual abuse, these URLs were found on domains worldwide. There was a 15% increase from 2010 in the number of abused domains. (see Figure 1) About 74% of children depicted on these sites are believed to be 10 years old or younger. More than 60% of all websites featured sexual activity between these young children and adults including rap and sexual torture. Child pornography is most abundant in
Bibliography: Journal of the American Medical Association. (2001). Pew Study. Journal of the American Medical Association . Law, W. E. (2008). Child Pornography. Retrieved June 19, 2012, from The Free Dictionary : Lawner, L Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. (2012). Pornography. Retrieved June 19, 2012, from Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary: Ropelato, J Ropelato, J. (2006). Internet Pornography Statistics. Retrieved June 19, 2012, from Top Ten Reviews: Snapshot Spy Tech Mission. (2006). Statistics on Pornography, Sexual Addiction and Online Perpetrators. Retrieved April 25, 2010, from Tech Mission: Today, U Vlaimir Golubev, T. S. (2005, March 1). Fighting child porn online. Retrieved June 19, 2012, from Computer Crime Research Center: Wolak, J., Finkelhor, D., & Mitchell, K WOLAK, J., MITCHELL, K., & FINKELHOR, D. (2006). Online Victimization of Youth: Five Years Later. USA: NATIONAL CENTER FOR MISSING & EXPLOITED CHILDREN.