Farmers grow corn to feed their animals, family, and to sell. "Each year, a single U.S. farmer provides food and fiber for 129 people-97 in the U.S. and 32 overseas" (Campilos). Corn is a food sources that provides the necessary nutrients when consumed. Corned is used in cereals and dry foods are easier to store. Corn is an item that can last months and many foods can be created out of corn. Corn is also used in many beverages that we drink. Corn is a key ingredient.
"Your bacon and egg breakfast, glass of milk at lunch, or hamburger for supper were all produced with U.S. corn"(Campilos). Again brings a continuous cycle of keeping hunger issues down. Corn crops create an income for many states in the United States. "The "Corn Belt" includes the states of Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska, Minnesota, Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin, South Dakota, Michigan, Missouri, Kansas and Kentucky" (Campilos). These states thrive on the corn industry because it produces a high income. Hunger is not limited to consumption of food. It is important that this industry keeps farmers working. If they are able to produce crops they are making money. "Farming provides the base for a variety of agri-food industries, including food processing and the manufacture of farm machinery, chemicals and fertilizer" (Campilos). Those farmers feed animals on corn and that is the beef we consume. Many farm animals consume corn and Americans then have the ability consume meat.
When hunger is a global issue it is important to not cause a bigger
Cited: Campsilos. "Welcome to the CampSilos Home Page." Welcome to the CampSilos Home Page. Interactive Internet-Delivered Training L.L.C, 2002-2009. Web. 9 Sept. 2012. <>. Ford, Runge C., and Benjamin Senauer. "How Biofuels Could Starve the Poor." Nytimes. The New York Times, 7 May 2007. Web. 9 Sept. 2012. <>.