Why Do I Care?
My first suggested trait involves being a little bit selfish. Selfishness is not your typical nurse quality. After all, you are a nurse so that you can help others. Simply asking yourself how I can benefit, every now and then can give you a new perspective that can change your environment. While nurses …show more content…
Too many questions about policy and you are no longer a thinker who stands up for themselves, but rather a potential problem maker. Regardless if this is a potential criticism of you or not every individual can have one. Wither or not you agree with the criticism, being able to empathized why another individual feels that trait of yours is not beneficial allows you to better understand your boss/coworkers. Understanding the nurses and doctors you work with allows you to work in as a more coherent team. You can be the glue that keeps the team running. If not for the team, understand the criticism for yourself. Go back to the little bit of selfishness and ask yourself why does this person think this trait I have is bad. Why do I care? That outside perspective can be enough to help you completely change who you are and what you can do. Being a nurse entails a large responsibility not only for yourself, but for the community. That community, the ones that drive us all to become nurses are the reason we love being a nurse. They are our focus when we want to change the status quo for the better. So, just remember questions like; why do I care, why is that policy important and what do you not like about me are the questions that lead to positive