Presented By: Dr.(Mrs.)Renu Jha- Principal(Education)
Shri Jain-Divakar Mahavidyalaya,Indore
In last one decade there has been lot of focus on Positive psychology for good and a departure from traditional psychology ,which targetted on fixing psychological problem related to pathology.
Positive psychology is a recent branch of psychology whose purpose was nicely explained. Positive psychology is a science of positive aspects of human life, such as happiness, wellbeing and flourishing. It can be summarised in the words of its founder, Martin Seligman, as the ‘scientific study of optimal human functioning [that] aims to discover and promote the factors that allow individuals and communities to thrive’.
Aging is enevitable part of our life and despite the many advances in technology,gentics,it has not been possible to prevent Aging.
It is however, observed that with advancement in medical science aging population the world over is increasing.
The country like India which is one of five largest economies in the world with its lop sided economic development,aging popoulation is increasing rapidly and it is estimated that within next two decade it be 30 crores .
In the face of globalization, privatization, and liberalization, aging gracefully is quite a challenge specifically in countries like India where largest component of population is growing middle class,hence larger no. of middle class elders followed by poor and than economically well off rich class.
Objective : To review the role of positive psychology as related to Aging Garcefully-Indian context.
Method : Descriptive review : Review & analysis the previous studies and important researches in the areas of positive psychology & aging gracefully.
Present paper reviews the important researches done in the area of Aging Gracefully with respect to positive psychology.The paper also attempts the emphasis the importance of
References: 1. Ageing and Work : A New Vista In HRD, Tabassum Rashid and Akbar Husain, Depat. of PsychologyAligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 2. The science of Aging gracefully,Scientists and the public Talk about aging research A report prepared by Public agenda for The alliance for Aging research And The american federation For aging research Public agenda. 3. Positive psychology In a nutshell- Ilona Boniwell 4. Argyle, M. (2001). The Psychology of Happiness.London: Routledge. 5. Authentic 6. Centre for Confidence and 7. University of Pennsylvania, Positive Psychology Center, 8. Positive psychology in the light of Indian traditions. Courtesy of psyinsight and Dr. Salagame. K. Kiran Kumar (Professor of Psychology, University of Mysore). 9. Humanistic Psychology, vol.44, no.1. 10. The Benefits of Frequent Positive Affect: Does Happiness Lead to Success?, S. Lyubomirsky et al.