Dolly Rivera
Intro to Early Childhood Behavior management ECE 201
Professor: Sara Mc Bryde
November 26, 2012
A teacher’s praise has a positive outcome and it has an exact responds to student behavior. Praise is very important and used by many from teachers to parents ect… and recommended as an important reinforcement method that teachers use because it will build self-esteem, provide encouragement which will build a good relationship between students and the teacher (Cox & Young 1991).
One strategy that I would best address Doug’s goals would be specific praise, by doing this it will tell him he has done a great job; it will motivate him to continue the behavior of doing the work on time as well as participate in class (Sklar & Rasminsky 2012). I will point out to Doug how well he is doing by specifically praising him on his assignment, such as Doug what a great job you’re doing in keeping up with your work. This will get him to the point of the goals of starting and finishing his assignments, and gradually increase the number of completed assignments due to the specific praise every time he does his assignments on his own.
Specific praise will let him know that the work he is doing is correct and it’s also very meaningful because it will allow him to see exactly what he is being praised for, which will motivate him even more because his work means something, and he will not be afraid or a void it due to the teacher telling him he that he is doing a very good job (Johson 2012).
The way I would implement this strategy would be by being consistent, this is very important if I want the desired behavior to continue and stay positive in which has been rewarded needs to stay in that category (Zaineb 2010). I would also set goals such as number of praise notes, put up reminder posters in the classroom, and have weekly drawings for prizes such as tokens which can be redeemed for a prize. As a result of this he
References: Cox,G., Young, B. (1991). En Effective Part of School- Wide Positive Behavior Support. Retrieved November 23 2012 from Johnson, T. (2012). The power of Behavior Specific Praise in Schools. Retrieved November 23 2012 from Kaiser, B. & Sklar Rasminsky, J. (2012). Challenging behavior in young children. (3rd (Ed).Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education, Inc.