recently began working with an individual who lacks a lot of English because his Parent…
It’s most recognizable by the painful swellings at the side of the face under the ears (the parotid glands), giving a person with mumps a distinctive "hamster face" appearance. Other symptoms include headache, joint pain and a high temperature, which may develop a few days before the swelling of the parotid glands.…
Children who are given positive praise and positive reinforcements are more likely to show this behaviour again. By giving praise and rewards the children will feel as though they're safe and protected and also allows them to feel that whatever they did was right and are most likely to achieve that again. Socially, the child will most likely feel safer, happier and more protected when they're with the person who has praised them. Intellectually the child will develop their understanding of what they were praised for and this praising will allow them to develop their understanding of right and wrong. Emotionally the child will feel happier and more confident in how they go about things knowing right and wrong.…
| Tepid bath containing bicarbonate of soda and calamine lotion applied to the skin to stop itching…
In schools you will find display boards that are used for many different purposes. It's important to remember when you do a display that it has a clear purpose and the headings identify this so that anyone who sees the display find it appealing and are able to understand it. In schools displays are used to provide information for pupils, staff and parents. Generally you will find specific boards are set aside in the reception area of a school to give information to parents. Staff boards will be in the staff-room to display events in schools, important messages, whereabouts of staff and playground duties rota etc. In individual classrooms you will find that the pupils work is displayed or they are used as a learning resource with a particular purpose relating to a subject as a reference to enhance pupils learning with a constant reminder.…
Displays are not only important because they can look fantastic they are important because they let teachers and visitors know about what the children understand about a particular subject. Displays in the corridors should be changed every term and classroom displays should be changed when there is a new subject being studied it should be packed full if factual information so that the children have information to look at as a quick reference it will also help them learn better if it is constantly visible and in their faces.…
The school is committed to providing an inclusive environment for all children of all abilities and from all backgrounds. With regards to multiculturalism, the school promotes this by having a multicultural day for the infants, where different classes become different countries and the children can go around to these different ‘countries’ during the day and experience something about that culture (eating different foods etc). They also do different activities to compliment this such as dressing up and singing. There are lots of resources around the school that reflect positive images, i.e. corridors, classroom and the hall. Different cultures, language,…
Providers must comply with all the legal requirements set out and should have regard to the statutory guidance. Ofsted will base its regulatory and inspection judgements on whether a provider has met the general and specific legal requirements, and has had regard to the statutory guidance. This guidance gives examples of action providers are likely to have to take in order to meet the general and specific legal requirements; however, providers may be able to comply by using other methods, in which case they can depart from the statutory guidance provided that they are able to demonstrate that their alternative approach achieves the same ends.…
Explain the characteristics of the different types of schools in relation to educational stage(s) and school governance;-…
1.1 - The expected development of children and young persons from birth to 19 years.…
| Rash of red, itchy spots that turn into fluid-filled blisters. They then crust over to form scabs, which eventually drop off.It takes seven to 21 days for the symptoms to show after you have come into contact with the virus. This is called the ‘incubation period’.…
2.1 Explain the need for keeping records and describe the records that you would keep.…
1.2. Actively listen to children and young people and value what they say, experience and feel…
I have fondness for children and I appreciate the invaluable impact that teachers make on the lives of young people. I also realise that the skills and knowledge acquired in the classroom, will be used by young people throughout life. Therefore, as an aspiring teacher, I hope to be a role model that cultivates in young people, the knowledge and ability to look at the world critically, and the belief in ones capacity to make positive contributions to society. This is my key motivation for applying for this position.…
Sometimes children can be rebellious if there passing thru difficult time in their life or some stage, however we must not go into any argument with any child. Some times it’s good to give child and ourselves a little extra time alone to think again. Settings behaviour policy must be followed so the child or a young person will not be confused and they will know every consequence of their actions. We could call a another person to be with us at the time of talk to prevent any accusations, we must inform the manager just in case parent needs to be involved and also to allow communication between colleagues in setting to be up to date. Being informative and reasoning may allow child to understand further our point of view and in some case that may help issue to resolve. We must be sensitive, show them with our body language, that we are listening their point of view without interrupting their talk. Show child a respect and treat them like the adults, ask for mediator if you think that will be better for both side.…