The American economy what it has experienced during the past fifty years has been monumental. The rise of globalization has made a college education a necessity for economic success. A college degree is not a guarantee of economic success, but degree holders have much better odds of getting and keeping a job having a chance of long term career success. The earning advantage of a college graduate in a post-industrial economy is greatly more compared to a high school graduate. As college graduates get older, their earnings rise much faster on average than high school graduates. The economy has moved on from industrialization to a post-industrialization that you need some sort of college degree. As Jeffrey J. Selingo note in his article in the New York Times “ Wanted: Factory Workers, Degree Required”, “Even if those jobs returned, a high school diploma is no longer good enough to fill them” Meaning that if those jobs in industrialization will return they will likely require more education to operate and manufacture. A study by Ball State University states that nearly nine in ten jobs that's disappeared since 2000 were lost to automation. Those automated machines will require some sort of maintenance and upkeep and with those kinds of jobs will need people with some sort of higher education. …show more content…
A non-traditional student is someone who did not a attend higher education at a younger age and has some sort responsibilities. Those types of responsibilities might include a single parent or working a full time job. A non-traditional student has higher a chance of not graduating from their college program. There can be many issues contributing to this chance of failure but as Liz Riggs states in her article in The Atlantic about “First-generation College Goers: Unprepared and Behind”, “Kids who are the first in their families to brave the world of higher education come on campus with little academic know how and are much more likely than their peers to drop out.” As non-traditional students ages increasases it is show in the lack of education suited to achieve graduation. They might have a issue in balancing financial commitments. These financial challenges are further shown due to the economic instability in there personal lives. As the economy or the pipeline where people are from pays a big part of there success students have that are further challenged by the difficulty of the technology needed. Some students may have a issues of having the proper technology at home needed to succeed in college. Having confidence play a big part in in arriving to achieve goal arriving in school with low self esteem or having inadequate faith in