Although one may have no choice when being born into poverty, getting out of it is an option. Some famous stories showcasing such include Oprah Winfrey and J.K. Rowling. Oprah was born to a teenage mother, growing up without a stable home environment. She was sexually abused and ran away by age fourteen. She moved to her father’s as …show more content…
a young teen, and there she was provided structure. With that, she is now a well-known television personality.
J.K. Rowling’s story differs by how she was brought to poverty. She proves that no matter which point you come into poverty, it is escapable. At 28, she was separated with a child, having to become a single-mother. That threw her into depression and she was then forced to work odd jobs in order to barely survive. She, however, made it for the long run with her beloved series Harry Potter.
Through Oprah’s story, it is seen how strongly parenting influences one’s future. Without her father’s structure and discipline, she probably would not have started a successful path leading to her adulthood. Although one may be raised in poverty, there are many ways for a child to gain more with their life, and constructive parenting is one of the biggest aspects in order to do so.
Jenelle Evans, from MTV’s Teen Mom 2, is a story of how one’s behavior is likely to leave you in an impoverished lifestyle. Jenelle became a mom by the age of 17. She is known as quite troubled, having many arrests involving drugs and alcohol. She is again pregnant, although she does not properly care for her already born child. With her actions, the likeliness of continuing the cycle of poverty becomes the strongest of all possibilities.
Nelson Mandela stated, "Like slavery and apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings." I believe this is very true. Poverty can be removed from society through our actions, whether it is those living within the lifestyle, or those from the outside helping, it does not have to be in such a dominant factor in our country.
In many articles written today, the words “can’t escape poverty” are constantly seen. This, however, is far from true. As seen in this graph, there is a positive agreement in the dropout rate to the poverty level. The value of a degree, even just high school, is becoming a bigger must in our society, and by just finishing out those years of basic schooling, the world becomes even the least bit more available.
A middleclass home has the stereotype of a family with structural values and strong discipline. Although not everyone is born into such a household, those whom are impoverished can take from those ideas. The structure can be a great asset when pushing those to grow away from poverty. They can be pushed to know that so much can be made from their life with the right path.
Karvel Anderson proves, though, that even without parental structure, one can make something of oneself. Although he did not have college offers when graduated from high school, he still pursued universities and is now on his way to be the first of his family to earn a bachelor’s degree. He is now seen as a push for those teens from disadvantaged backgrounds to go to college and graduate.
Although there are many high schools in America that are almost looked down upon, I believe we, as a nation, need to realize that a school is a school.
For those who are actually attending the impoverished high schools, it is their only option to receiving that diploma. It is just as much of an achievement, if not more, for they are the ones who have the greatest peer pressure of dropping out and doing nothing more.
But within all these schools today, there are teachers and counselors giving guidance to how one may lead a successful life. It is known while getting an education that teachers push us to fulfill our life with college. There is constant talking as to how to create a life for oneself, and this guidance can be the greatest asset when figuring out how to leave an impoverished styled life.
While escaping poverty, it is important to have a plan. Undoubtedly, making a success story from little to nothing is much more difficult than coming from anything. With that, one cannot guess as to what the next step is. It is important to have the organization to what and how such accomplishment will occur.
Having organization and structure is such an important aspect, for without that next step, one may not know what to do next. While in poverty, the odds are already stacked against one. If the momentum of positivity is ended, one may not gain it back. The slightest pause may be the greatest harm while trying to escape …show more content…
For those who graduate whilst in poverty, it is such a strong accomplishment.
They were able to make it through the twelve years and successfully finish the necessary schooling to do the minimum for the job market. Like previously noted, there is a positive correlation between dropping-out and poverty, and for those who were able to avoid the peer pressure, it gives a stronger accomplishment.
After high school, the strongest choice is college. However, college is a great task, for the expense is even more troubling while trying to escape poverty. Community college helps with that, though, and should be taken full advantage of. Community college is less expensive, and may even be used to just begin the process of earning a degree.
The biggest quality those who are able to grow up and away from poverty is their perseverance. It is much more difficult to create something for oneself when coming from nothing, and therefore those who come from poverty must be constantly trying. They cannot stop at moments, for that pause will make it so much harder to pick back up on the positive path of growing.
Those who are unable to escape poverty, however, have a long, hard life. Many who decide not to put in the strong effort to leave poverty are often stuck living off aids. Although there are many places to help and provide food, it is obviously a miserable life to
As an adult poverty, there is no guarantee. Although one may be barely surviving, there is no reassurance that it will continue as such. At any moment, one’s house may be taken, for a small mishap may occur, and there is no recuperating. Once homeless, you are expected to take shelter on the streets and there is not much one may do to get out of such a situation.
Taking shelter on the streets is visibly scary and uncomfortable. They must take refuge in areas which can keep them as safe as possible, and protect from whatever weather conditions may occur. While being homeless, qualifications for a job are not likely to be there, which will in turn leave them stuck in such a situation.
If one does not escape poverty, the future is unpredictable. One may have no idea what to do or how to survive when their means of survival are minimal. Those who would rather stay put than being persistent and trying to make something out of nothing, the future is going to continue in such a way.