Date : 03-11-10 Dept. No. Max. : 100 Marks Time : 1:00 - 4:00
SECTION – A Answer ALL the questions. Answer to each question should not exceed 50 words. (10X2=20)
* Define Psychology. * Define Development. * What is Turners Syndrome * Match the following:
a. Ivan Pavolv 1. Ecological Approach
b. Urie Bronfrenbrenner 2. Behavioural Approach
c. Jean Piaget 3. Psychodynamic Approach
d. Erik Erikson 4. Organismic Approach * What is Fertilization? * What do you understand by Neurosis? * Expand : IDD and BMI * Write a note on Under Nutrition. * Write a note on Health. * Differentiate between ‘Small Pox’ and ‘Chicken Pox’.
Answer any FOUR of the following questions. Answer to each question should not exceed 300 words. (4X10=40)
* “Knowledge of Psychology is essential for Social Work Practice”. Discuss. * Explain the Principles of Human Development. * Briefly explain about Normality and Abnormality. Briefly explain the symptoms, causes and treatment of Psychosis and Neurosis. * Write about the prevention, symptoms, treatment and WHO Strategies in tackling any two communicable diseases mentioned in the syllabus. * What should be the role of media in reporting health issues? Substantiate your answer based on your group exercise.
SECTION – C Answer any TWO of the following questions. Answer to each question should not exceed 600 words. (2X20=40)
* Discuss in detail the Psycho-dynamic theory of Personality. * “Late Childhood is a period of rapid development”. Justify. * What are