Poverty affects small towns and even major metropolitan areas such as Detroit, Chicago, and Los Angeles. The major populous areas are affected because of the high likelihood of becoming poverty-stricken due to the amount of people in the city. People with residence in a major town can suffer from high taxes and difficulty of finding work that pays high wages such as Los Angeles. Los Angeles has an area that is located in downtown Los Angeles that is named Skid Row, where about 17,700 of people live. According to the US Census Bureau, the per capita income of Skid Row is $14,210 and about 41.8% of its population are under the poverty line. With the poverty rate so high many residents have gone homeless and Skid Row is known for the amount of homeless people in the area with anywhere between 3,000 to 6,000 homeless people. Another instance where poverty impacted major cities is Detroit. Detroit at its peak had an estimate about 1.8 million residents and now its population is about 713,800 residents. Its population has shrunk 61.4% making it the second highest decline of a population in the United States. Its population grew due to the founding of many automotive manufacturers such as Ford, Dodge, and Chrysler making Detroit into the world’s automotive capital in the 20th century. Detroit’s population declined due to the loss of industry in the automotive and working-class jobs which resulted in high poverty rates for the city. Detroit’s poverty rate is 32.3%, according to the US Census Bureau. Out of Detroit’s total population 53.6% under the age of 18 and 19.8% over the age of 65 were under the poverty line, with the population’s per capita at $14,118. Many people under the poverty threshold suffer from many complications with living conditions, negative views from the community, and future obstacle for those that are
Poverty affects small towns and even major metropolitan areas such as Detroit, Chicago, and Los Angeles. The major populous areas are affected because of the high likelihood of becoming poverty-stricken due to the amount of people in the city. People with residence in a major town can suffer from high taxes and difficulty of finding work that pays high wages such as Los Angeles. Los Angeles has an area that is located in downtown Los Angeles that is named Skid Row, where about 17,700 of people live. According to the US Census Bureau, the per capita income of Skid Row is $14,210 and about 41.8% of its population are under the poverty line. With the poverty rate so high many residents have gone homeless and Skid Row is known for the amount of homeless people in the area with anywhere between 3,000 to 6,000 homeless people. Another instance where poverty impacted major cities is Detroit. Detroit at its peak had an estimate about 1.8 million residents and now its population is about 713,800 residents. Its population has shrunk 61.4% making it the second highest decline of a population in the United States. Its population grew due to the founding of many automotive manufacturers such as Ford, Dodge, and Chrysler making Detroit into the world’s automotive capital in the 20th century. Detroit’s population declined due to the loss of industry in the automotive and working-class jobs which resulted in high poverty rates for the city. Detroit’s poverty rate is 32.3%, according to the US Census Bureau. Out of Detroit’s total population 53.6% under the age of 18 and 19.8% over the age of 65 were under the poverty line, with the population’s per capita at $14,118. Many people under the poverty threshold suffer from many complications with living conditions, negative views from the community, and future obstacle for those that are