Even though some people think this problem can easily be solved. It's a terrible thing our country faces each year. Because Peer pressure is a problem many young kids face. The impact of drugs in the communities and poverty and how it changes lives. There are numerous elements that play a hand in the increased number of violent acts. I had to say poverty is the worst of them all.
There are multiple factors that play in the crime wave we see. I feel a major problem that contributes to the problem is poverty. For year’s people though that poverty just caused because of the stereotypic mindset that this is America and anything is possible here. But that’s not the case for others (Cause and Effects p.2). Today it …show more content…
is estimated that more than thirty-five million Americans are living in poverty (Cause and Effects 1). Children who grow up in this kind of environment tint to suffer from it. Poor health care can add complications to the child’s development. Infants born into poverty have low birth weights than normally. That can then let to later in unwanted mental and physical disabilities. Another interesting thing I find was sickly and irritable babies have a higher chance to die before his or her first birthday (Cause and Effects 2). Children raised insufficiently will miss school more than normally because of sickness. Having nowhere to go and leaving in the streets is a sad reality for people. Homelessness is a life-threatening solution. It carries the stigma along with it. Families and children jeopardize themselves to survive. Children were not leaving receiving a well-nutrition meal. Can also develop an immunization to vaccines. That just terrible to think of. Women that live in this unlucky circumstances face more charges. Since the mother is the carrier of the child. And babies born into poverty have a higher chance to have a low birth weight. Why is that? It’s because of the mothers who carry the kids. Exposure to stress that’s can take a toll on the women’s body miscarriages and infant mortality will occur. Not having the proper access to health care can contribute to this. (Cause and Effects p.3). Minorities in this country make up an enormous portion of the people living in poverty.
When you think of “inner cities” who are you talking about?
New Orleans, Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York just to name a few. People are talking about the Black Ghettos. Poverty rates in the African American community are one of the highest of the ethnic groups. Percentage wise 27% of the fifty-four million people live in poverty. It’s a sad reality for my brothers and sisters are dealing with. Another group who is rising in population number is the Hispanics. Over the past three decades or so growth has increased with the migration to the United States. With that growth comes poverty because everyone isn’t facing the same struggles as each other. 26.6 % of the fifty-five million Hispanics live in poverty. Of the four ethnic group the Asians make a very small population. 12% of Asian people live poverty. But I strongly think that is due to the work ethics and how important educate is to them. Just look at the top ten countries in education. You got Asian countries and European makeup majority of them. Caucasian is the largest group in America. So it’s just common sense that it’s going to be more living in poverty than any other race. With the number of companies leaving the United States to move its operation overseas to pay the people ten cents on a dollar is just sad to me. All these multi-billion not million billion corporations don’t want to pay the minimum ($7.25) working a nine to five job. Is the reason why millions of Americans less job and cycle into the poverty …show more content…
problem. If I can’t get a job to provide for myself or my family I got to do something to change that. Some turn to crime as a means to solve their problem. Others try and beat the system for an easy check. As much of a positive thing, disability benefits can be. People try to get over it on it. Disability is not supposed to be a long-term deal. It so that you can get help now and find a job in the near future. A good example is some of my family member who I love but two decades on it is not right. It’s for people who need it and need it for a short-term deal that’s just me. On the issue, that is a problem in your society. Everyone is different and so is their situations. The number of single parents is mainly women. For the past three decades the alarming number of women our society has increased by fifty percent. African American women making up most of it (Cause and Effect p.4). And I truly believe that several factor plays a part in this. Getting pregnant at a young age is a setup for failure for women. It happens a lot in your society. I remember going to school my freshman year in high school and 6 girls in my grade were or were pregnant. That’s going on six years now. Since then four of them had two more children. As if one child was not enough you go and have more with multiple different men. That just a recipe for failure in life. Men not being the father and taking care of their responsibilities. Divorces in this country have rocketed to an all-new high. I just can guess that it’s a combination of things. Like your spouse stepping out on the marriage. Cheating on them for whatever reason that maybe. I just don’t understand this one you just fell not in love with the other person. I know couples who been married for ten-twenty years with three or four kids just know getting a divorce. It just baffles me when I hear these stories. When you are blinded by love you tend to focus on the now aspect of your life. “The future is far away I’m young he or she loves me and this child won’t affect what I’m doing.” As a man and I watch the different talk shows or even my friends’ talk I don’t believe it a word they say. In some cases, it can happen but it’s very rare cases it happens. The thought of me being with one woman when I was eighteen for the rest of my life would have drove me insane. Like me, some men feel the same way. Which begins me to my next point. Just because we have a baby together doesn’t mean that we have to be together. That just the mentality of the newer and younger generation. Who are blinded by what between every girl’s legs? It almost a game to some of them.
How many girls can I get pregnant before I’m twenty-one?
It’s a disappointment we can men like this. Some of the best times in our life are when you were a teenager. Not a father to a young little child. I was told this once by my teacher. How to be successful in life? That puzzled me because I don’t know the answer to the answer. I responded, “I have no clue, Mrs. Davis.” She looked at me crazy for about three long seconds and said, “As a black man you how can you be successful in life. One you get your high school diploma. Even if you don’t go to college you got that piece of paper saying you completed school. Two was having both parents in your life. Mom and dad living under the roof and not co-parenting the child. Statistically speaking child rested in a two parents household chances are greater to be a successful person in life than a single household home. Was mom most likely is the head working multiple jobs to provide for her children? Three was opinion to me because I knew some kids who were the atheist and still lived a good life. But she said having a spiritual connection with your Lord and Savior gets you morality. You knowing right from wrong. Fourth and last was kids should be resting kids! It’s just common sense if you can’t even rest yourself and mommy and daddy does everything for you, kids, not a good idea. I do feel bad for some young men. Who are condemned by the public as the deadbeat parent for not taking care of their kids? Forced to sell their soul
to the woman which is call child-support. Don’t get me wrong here some men need to be on it but not all. The system is flawed to me is a breaking one. For the ones who not taking care of their responsibilities they are the ones that are starting this vicious cycle of poverty.
Generally speaking you have several causes to why the crime rate is so high. Drug and Alcohol abuse. Peer pressure from your peers. All are good probably possibilities. But to me there is no greater strain on our society than poverty. It’s a terrifying thing that has crippled generations of people.