Frank Chodorov, an American writer and libertarian once said “The State acquires power and because of its insatiable lust for power it is incapable of giving up any of it. The State never abdicates.” When I was in my high school, I always dreamed for Utopia, a perfect state wherein there is no poverty and starvation. Power is delegated in every people and there’s equality, justice and freedom. Utopia sometime refers for World peace, this may sounds very pageantry but I can’t stop dreaming on it and up to now I am still hoping that day will come.
This is evidence that not everything we wish and dream for will turn into reality. It is clear, that as long as power exists Utopia will never be possible. Each state paying so much attention and working so hard just to have a power they want to have, for so many reason- economic control, defense mechanism, allies trust and even for loyalty of voters. Power comes in many forms and as said by Chodorov every nation is longing for supremacy wants to be powerful than others. And as each state desires power and power all over again, problem arises, war is more likely to happen. State refers to a nation or country which exercising sovereignty over its territory without the intervention of external forces. Politics is part of every state that controls its interests. More likely states have conflicting interest with one another over goods like territory, policies or the composition of one’s government and if the bargaining interaction fails to reach such a deal, war happens. War is an event involving the organize use of military force by at least two parties that satisfies some minimum threshold of severity. One of the causes of war is UNCERTATINTY. It can cause war despite the existence of negotiated settlements, still both sides would prefer to war. There are two sources of Uncertainty, Power and Resolve. This paper will discuss about Power, its definition, three types and