Throughout history the power of government plays a leading role in the turning points of how the government should expand its branches and support its country. In the events of the Nullification Crisis and the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions, both opposed how the government grew its power. Although the power of the national government increased during the early republic, this development often faced serious opposition. As the government throughout the years increase its power, states government can't help but fight for their rights. States began opposing the national government's decisions as their decisions questioned civil liberties. In order to strongly support their cause, state governments began to declare federal …show more content…
As the new president, Jackson did not properly prepare to handle his presidency, he did not properly handle the protests against the Tariff of 1828. Members of the South felt that the tariff affected the south more than the north. As the federal government began to increase its power, the fear of a corrupt government and power hungry officials, with accordance with John. C. Calhoun beliefs, the south began to nullify and ignore national law. These attempts challenged the federal government and caused disputes between states and federal law. However, as states eagerly began to protest against tariffs and rulings the Federal government did not allow southern states to nullify their tariff. This shows how strong their power is and how they clearly display that their rulings are important. The motives of the southern states protesting against federal law is due to unfair attention between the southern and northern states. The Nullification Crisis of 1832 expressed the idea that states representing the people have the right to judge the constitutionality of federal