Table of Contents
1. Weakness……………………………………………………..3
2. Why this book?....................................................................3
3. Synopsis………………………………………………………4
4. How did the book help me overcome my weakness?……..9
The weakness on which I was working was pessimism. Pessimism is a state of mind in which one anticipates negative outcomes or believes that the evil, hardships, dangers, displeasures in life outweigh or dominate the good, luxuries, securities or pleasures in life. It affects ones thinking process adversely. It leads to loneliness, doubts on one’s own capabilities and constant anxiety.
I wanted to overcome this weakness, to develop self-confidence and redeem my self-esteem. This would fill my mind and eventually life with more optimism and happiness.
← The book is written Norman Vincent Peale, Father of positive thinking.
← It is a practical, spiritual, direct-action, self-improvement manual.
← Every chapter deals with an aspect of positive thinking.
← The principles and formulas set in this book, if sincerely and persistently practiced will show you an amazing improvement within yourself.
In the first chapter the author deals with the cause of feelings of inferiority and insecurity and ways to overcome them and build self confidence.
Believe in yourself! The author says one should have faith in his abilities. To be successful and happy one must have a humble and reasonable confidence in his powers or capabilities. A sense of inferiority interferes in attainment of goals whereas self-confidence leads to self realization and thus further successful achievement.
According to the author, the sources of inferiority complex are usually some emotional violence done to us in the past or the consequences of certain circumstances or something that we did to ourselves in the