Over the years, the president has been allowed to create a law without congressional approval * Through the Ordinance Power of the Executive branch, the president can issue orders that carry the weight of law: these orders have known as Executive Orders.
These Orders allow the President to take care of business in a much faster way than he/she had to wait upon congressional approval.
The Appointment Power
Ambassadors and Diplomats
Cabinet members
Heads of Gov. Agendas that one not with in the cabinets
All Federal Judges/ Attorneys Marshall forces
It is possible that the Senator could purposely block a Presidential nomination simply because they are trying to make a point and force the President to compromise.
The reasons for the “blocks” are rooted in Sen. Vitter’s disagreement with President Obama’s decision to limit oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico following the BP oil spill. When Sen. Vitter engages in this action, the process is called a HOLD. He has placed a hold on the nomination. All Sen. Vitter has to do is form the party leader (McConnell) that he would like to delay the confirmation process, and if Sen. McConnell agrees, the nominee is placed on hold... Perhaps forever.
RECESS APPOINTMENT is used by the Chief Executive as a way of bypassing a troublesome Senate. If the Senate is NOT in session, and the President needs to make an appointment to a government position, the president can appoint the individual without Senate approval.
* To be fair, the President has used recess appointment in the past that the Senate did not take issue with; however, when the Chief Executive attempts to bypass the Senate while the Senate is in recess for the sole purpose of getting his/her nominee in to the position, that is when the Senate becomes furious.
Removal Power – is it right for the President to remove any government official that he/she believes prevents he/she from properly enforcing and executing the laws? Yes, the President can remove anyone from power.
Page 392 numbers 2 & 3
2). Give three reasons for the growth of presidential power. * The nation’s increasingly complex social and economic life * The unity of the presidency (house plus senate) * Congress is a key part of historical growth
3). Summarize the two competing views of the constitutional phrase “executive power”. * Many people want a strong Executive Branch compared to those who would rather a weaker executive branch.
Foreign Relation Powers
One of the roles of the President is Chief Diplomat, which states that the President represents the United States to other nations around the world. * In 1972, Richard Nixon (R) became the first US president to visit the communist nation of China.
In 1972, Richard Nixon (R) became the first US president to visit the communist nation of China.
If a President has a positive relationship with a nation, America benefits politically, economically, ect. But, if the relationship is negative is hurts America and it hurts the President in his reelection.
* If the President wants to improve the relationship with a nation he/she signs a treaty with the nation. A treaty is an agreement between two or more nations that carries with the same power as an act of congress. However, a Treaty is only as strong as the commitment and support of those who agreed to the treaty.
What if the Legislative Branch does not agree with the Treaty created by the Executive Branch?
The President is required to present the proposed treaty to the legislative branch and obtain its approval. For treaties, a minimum of 2/3rds of the US Senate must approve the treaty. If 35 or more senators vote against the treaty, the US is not allowed to join with the foreign nation within a treaty.
What if Congress changes its mind and no longer wants to honor the treaty?
The Supreme Court stated that if congress no longer likes the treaty they must create a law going against the treaty.
The rule of thumb: whichever one is most recently passed it over rides the other.
Can the President use his power to bypass congress? Thought the president can use his executive order to enforce his desire that were declined by congress, the president can issue an Executive Agreement Treaty | Executive agreement | Congress has to agree | Agreed between leaders | Domestic issue | International issue |
Foreign Nation!! How important is it to interact with other Nations? * If the U.S. President does not acknowledge your country, that is a sign that your country is not ready for the “big leagues”. * One thing every country wants from America is RECONGNITION If a person does something totally against America, you become a Persona Non Grata Former Secretary General, Kurt Walhern of Austria, was declared a Persona Non Grata, he was persecuted stating that he knew of Nazi war crime within his country and did nothing to stop it
Former Secretary General, Kurt Walhern of Austria, was declared a Persona Non Grata, he was persecuted stating that he knew of Nazi war crime within his country and did nothing to stop it
Change in war
Change in war
In the past, war was fought for expanding empires, but now 99% of land is already claimed in the world. Now, wars are fought to prevent the instruction of your own nation. Congress declares war; however, the executive Branch treasures its role as commander in chief and use the role to make sure the president has full control over the military. Today, Obama nominates and approves the man to the position of head of the army and discusses with him about certain problems. WHEN the president wants to go to war, he has to present his case to congress to receive their approval to declare war. In 1973, congress made it 100% clear that it did not want nor believe that the president had the constitutional right to declare war. * If the president engages in a military operation without first containing congressional approval, he/she must inform congress within 48 hours of the reason for his/her action and the overall goal intention of his/her plan * If the president engages in a military operation without first obtaining congressional approval, the military operation must end within 60 days. * Congress can allow the 60 days period to be extended upon congressional approval. * The president if then gives another 30 days to remove the troops.. For a total of 90 days. When the War Powers Resolution was passed, the executive branch was not in favor nor in agreement. This limited the ability of the president to effectively discharge his duties as chief executive. Congress saw the president’s veto as an attempt by the executive branch to overstep the legislative branch and therefore overrode the president’s veto. The Executive’s Legislative Powers The president does have the ability to create executive orders and executive agreements; however, the president relies on congress willingness to promote their ideas by delivering bills to their desks so they can make the bill into a law The president speaks to congress in three (3) ways: 1). The Federal Budget 2). State of the Union Address 3). The Economic Report Federal Budget Federal Budget
* The number one goal of the OMB is to create the federal budget. The federal budget is a summary/estimate of how the government plans to allocate and spend the money it has raised through taxes, loans, etc. through the upcoming fecal year. * In order to have a successful budget, each department informs the OMB of how much money it will need to execute the policies of the president. * OMB plays the role of the watch dog. They monitor that the departments are supportive of the president. * The OMB is truly the manager of the executive branch.
State of the Union
State of the Union
Usually serves two (2) purposes: 1. Inform congress of the heath of the nation 2. Offer direction on how to strengthen the nation
Usually around late January the president gives his speech. President Wilson was the first president to travel to congress to give his speech in person.
Power of Veto!
Power of Veto!
* The President maintains the power of veto which allows him to cancel a bill passed by Congress; Congress reserves the right to override the president’s override if 2/3rds of both houses of Congress agrees to do so. * The veto power is an all or nothing approach. If the president vetoes a bill, he vetoes the entire bill. * In 1996, Congress passed the Line Item Veto Act that gave the president the ability to veto individual portions of spending bills to prevent wasteful spending. * In 1998, the Supreme Court stated that the Legislative branch did not have the ability authority to grant a line item veto to the executive branch.
How does the President play his role in the Executive Branch? * Many can argue that the president has the power to forgive other nations as Chief of Citizens. * The Constitution gives the president the power to change policies created by the Judicial Branch. * The President can PARDON a citizen. A pardon serves as an eraser to any crime a person has committed, and in the eyes of the law, it never occurred. * The president may also pardon groups of wrongdoers. * The act of AMNESTY occurs when the President forgives a citizens action and protects all individuals who engaged in the act.
The most famous example is in 1977 when President Carter granted amnesty to any American citizen who refused to serve in the Vietnam conflict. * Today, the amnesty debate is back. Statistics have shown that the amount of illegal immigrants living in the U.S. is increasing incredibly over the past decades. * The President can issue a reprieve to prevent a conflict about to conflict on an individual. This is a temporary postponement of the enforcement of a penalty.
Foreign Affairs and National Security
The State Department is run by Hillary Clinton, the Secretary of State.
Let’s determine if America’s policy is to be active in world affairs or if America’s policy is simply to only act if America’s interest in on the line? * For most of our country’s history, America has been timid at times to move outside of its borders; however, over the past 7 decades, America has been involved in every aspect of the world’s issues. * In the early ages- - * We acted when issues were brought up and we felt the need to protect ourselves. * Issues that take place inside our borders are known as DOMESTIC ISSUES. * A person could argue that America was isolated from the rest of the world; therefore, for the first 150 years of our existence, America’s foreign policy was that of ISOLATIONISM. * Once America moved away from isolation, the major decision was “to what extent should America be involved in world issues?” * WWII Changed our country’s view point on global participation. “never again will we participate in a European war”. * Never again are we going to fight in a European war changed to – never again will we fail in a war that a country is asking for America’s protection.”
This never again led to America’s refusal to enter The League of Nations * America was one of the last countries to enter into the war of WWII, America only entered because we were physically provoked (bombing of pearl harbor) * “If we are the strongest country in the world, should we feel obligated to help weaker nations?” * The answer from Washington is YES! If we have the ability to stop a person from taking away others rights, we must stop that person with all of our power.
FOREIGN POLICY refers to the thousands of viewpoints and stances that the American Government holds with respects to a wide variety of topics. * Collections of all the ideas, policies, and beliefs that America government has with the respect to a foreign nation.