The first point I want to touch base on is preparation. Preparation is the number one thing you want to do in order to give an effective presentation and it also helps you control your nerves. With anything that you present you should always know your topic inside and out. When presenting its up to you to be the expert on your topic. By knowing you are the expert on your topic it will help boost your confidence and make it easier to deliver your speech. After you finish your research on your topic you will learn that you actually know more about you topic then you have time to present. Make sure you pick the important key factors you want to get across to your audience and sell those points, really talk them up. While you’re prepping you also want to come up with a really strong conclusion. Sum up your speech and end strong, leaving your audience with something to think about as well as something to talk about after.
Next I’d like to talk about your visual aids that you are going to be creating to help you through your presentation.