-Chapter 11:
1.) The 8 steps of the audience-centered model of public the speaking process: -Selecting a Narrow Topic -Identifying Purpose -Developing a Central Idea -Generating Main Ideas -Gathering Supporting Material -Organizing Your Speech -Rehearsing Your Speech -Delivering Your Speech *(9th) CONSIDER THE AUDIENCE
2.) The Significance of Being an Audience-Centered Public Speaker: -Someone who considers and adapts to the audience at every stage of the presentational speaking process. This is key to the success of any presentation.
3.) How Each of these Methods Help Speakers Manage Their Anxiety: -Knowing How to Develop a Presentation: Just knowing what you need to do to develop an effective presentation can boost your confidence in being able to do it. -Being Prepared: Being prepared by rehearsing or reciting your speech will reduce anxiety, will allow for a sense of familiarity. -Focusing on Your Audience: The more you know about your audience and how they will respond, the more comfortable you will be. Look for feedback from audience, this will take the focus off your own anxiety. -Focusing on Your Message: Like focussing on your audience, it keeps you from thinking too much about how nervous you are. This also keeps you on task. -Giving Yourself a Mental Pep-Talk: Make a conscious effort to think positively, remind yourself that you have chosen a topic that you know about. Effective technique. -Using Deep-Breathing Techniques: 2 physical symptoms of nervousness are shallow breathing and rapid heart rate. Relax and have a few deep breaths and relax your entire body. This will increase oxygen intake and slow heart rate, making you feel calmer and in control. -Seeking Opportunities to Speak: The more you speak, the more comfortable you will become speaking in public. Habituation is the process of becoming more comfortable as you speak. -Seeking Professional Help: For some people, the