Health care administration concentrates on quality care, leadership skills and management services to assist the patients with proper treatment associated with one 's illness. An important health related law that passed in 2010 by the Obama care legislation is the Patient Protection Affordability Care Act. The PPACA law has implemented guidelines to improve the health care quality to the next level. President Obama constructed objectives for this act to proceed further which include providing coverage to every American citizens without any pre-existing condition making a factor in considering health care coverage. Since this law has been implemented, many positive and negative outcomes are associated with this act to where it impacts different sorts of individuals in several ways i.e. small business, employers, cost issues and even quality health care and management services.
Health Care Health care has been a subject matter of conversation in today 's society since new health reforms and regulations have been impacted. The United States spends billions on health care, by far the most of any nations in the world. Currently, The United States is the only nation without universal access to health care which includes "1 in 5 of the non-elderly and 50 million American 's with no health coverage" (Gruber, 2011). Receiving proper care is important. Majority individual/family health insurances are provided by employed-sponsored insurance (ESI) and is purchased with pre-tax dollars. On the other hand, insurance provided outside the employment setting is bought with post-tax dollars, therefore it is strongly encouraged for insurance to be provided from the employment setting (Gruber, 2011). The two main sources of public insurance coverage is the Medicare program (coverage for the elderly) and the Medicaid program (coverage for the poor, low income children). Health care administration is a
References: Dentzer, S. (2010). The future of health care policy. Retrieved January 20, 2011 from http://academic.luther.edu/%7Epuffro01/FLV/SusanDentzerConvocation-93008.html Gruber, J. (2011). THE IMPACTS OF THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT: HOW REASONABLE ARE THE PROJECTIONS?. National Tax Journal, 64(3), 893-908. Harrington, S. E. (2010). U.S. Health-care Reform: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Journal Of Risk & Insurance, 77(3), 703-708. doi:10.1111/j.1539- 6975.2010.01371.x This article was found in Business Source Complete database. NFIB: The Voice of Small Business. (2011). PPACA: Endless problems for small business. Retrieved from http://www.nfib.com/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=pk4o5zaOWZo%3D&tabid=1083 Rivers, D., & Rivers, K