Quality vs. Quantity
The Affordable Care Act’s proposal was to make sure that health insurance coverage is affordable for individuals, families, and businesses and decrease the amount of uninsured individuals. . Much of the impact of this act will begin when the major coverage provisions take effect in 2014. Providers will experience an increased burden in many aspects of their medical profession including new legal practicing liabilities, less autonomy, administrative encumbrances, shortages of primary care physicians, and political infringement (Horton, Hollier 2012). The provider is to maintain high quality of care while the ACA’s agenda is cost and quantity over quality. The Affordable Care Act is the largest piece of legislative reform in American history relating to health care. The impact to our economy on many levels of scale and our constitutional rights are all being questioned and debated without a definitive answer to long term reality of its implications. Reform is necessitous to the continuance of providing care, controlling fraudulent activities and waste, as well as, exploring new innovative ways to maintain a high level of quality services within the legalities of our legislative branch. The balance of these aspects have been challenging and perplexing in materializing the reforms into fruition. The concentration during reform has been on quantity of the insured population, effects on businesses as in tax benefits, taxation, and the CMS. The ACA, legislatively is in the beginning stages to reform health care. Thus far the application of reform are in disarray as it is on the operating table cut wide open and bleeding out, without a surgeon in the room. The complexity has the medical society and American constituents confused and anxious of its impact. Providers have great apprehension of more government intervention, less
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