The most significant temporary effect of 9/11 would certainly be the impact of the security as it affected Arabs and Muslims in the country, attempting to gain citizenship. Though the security measures found out thousands of illegal Arabs and Muslims, only 11 were related to terrorist associations. The other hundreds of thousands legally in the country with a visa were then required to register with the authorities through a program called the National Entry/Exit System (NEERS). However, this program aroused several complaints. For citizens such as Mohammed G. Azam, a 26 Bangladeshi native who came to the U.S. when he was 9 years old, even with the termination of the long-term and ineffective program, he is still affected (Dolnick). His case outlasted the program, and even though he should legally be a citizen under the authority’s rules, he is given much trouble. His father gained residency and technically his children, if of age, would be residents too, but because of the length of his case, he has grown out of childhood. He is one of thousands in this situation, spending a large portion of his money on hearings and trial work. He should not be given so much trouble for something he has the right to. This entire program was a sort of “knee-jerk” reaction (Dolnick). Understandably, the country took as many safety precautions and security increases as possible, including the creation of the Department of Homeland Security (Lerner), the head of the NEERS program, but while some measures of security permanent in airports made sense, the NEERS program was only a hindrance, interrupting and corrupting lives of many well-meaning people, like Azam. Azam will not be attending his sister’s wedding, and also says, “One-third of my life has gone to this immigration process…I grew up her. This is my country”(Dolnick). The program has been terminated as of 2011, but that temporary measure, a reaction that should not have…