To begin, young couples should keep waiting until their ready to have a preganancy. When a unplanned pregnancy occurs,then as we all know it a child will be brought into this world. When a child is born,and the parents can't provide financially for that child it is a very terrible situaition. The child will need a lot necessities like baby milk,diapers,and clothes ,so the parents might have to consider giving their baby up for adoption because they wasn't ready for baby. It is best for couples to wait and get great paying careers,and then decide to have a child. A child is more then a bill because you have to take care of it,and be a financially stable provider. When couples rushed unplanned pregnancies just because they think its cool,well its not because a baby is not a joke. Couples should hold their horses ,and have some patience for a planned pregnancy.
Secondly, couples should continue desregarding the pull out method. The pull method is a very bad idea. The pull out method will eventually lead to your partner being pregnant,and is not very effective. A big percentage of males really enjoy the pull out method,but little they do they know that their prone to sexually transmitted disease. Sexually transmitted disease can be fatal,and some can lead to death. The sensation for the pull out method maybe really good,but its is risky and not