Many conservative Christian groups believe that Planned Parenthood should be banned. If people really understood what a great organization Planned Parenthood was, they would not want this. The education that Planned Parenthood gives people actually helps prevents unplanned pregnancies, which prevents abortions. I personally think that it is no ones business whether or not a woman gets an abortion, although even for people who think it is awful, getting rid of Planned Parenthood would probably make it worse. Some people seem to have an idealistic vision that teenagers and adults will have no desire to have sex, and in all honesty, that will never happen. So my question is why not help inform people at a young age of options and ways to not get pregnant. I believe that If teenagers knew that they could get contraceptives for low prices or even free, they would be much more likely to use them, rather than to have unprotected sex. I know many people who are completely unaware of their choices when it comes to sex and their sexuality. Many kids I know don’t even know where to buy a contraceptive, and when I think about it, I realize that they have a much more likely chance of having an unplanned pregnancy.
So what I hope people will start to understand is that Planned Parenthood is actually helping prevent unplanned pregnancies. The reason Planned Parenthood is called Planned Parenthood is because it is supposed to help people out, in many ways. I hope that I can educate people on the real purpose of Planned Parenthood. The purpose is to help people out and to educate them as well as possible. If people know their options, it at least gives them the opportunity to do with it what they want.