entire nation. Not only are American comedians scared to perform at college for fear of being attacked, their work has actually been effected in quality. Other jobs as well have been affected by Political Correctness and trigger warnings, including politicians and college professors. An author by the name of Greg Lukianoff wrote an article discussing Political Correctness and trigger warnings as rules of conduct and ways to water down lessons in schools. After posting the article, which was very controversial, Lukianoff expected a lot of hate mail, but it really never came. In an interview with The Atlantic’s James Bennet, he explained that most of the hate he did receive came from professors and college officials rather than the students. Typically, though, the response was positive. Students and professors alike feel as though there are, in fact, too many trigger warnings, especially on learning material. One girl that was discussed in the interview had actually thanked Lukianoff for the change he inspired. Her sister had committed suicide a short time before class was in session. In the class, her teacher presented a book in which a character who died in nearly the exact same way. She explained that because the teaching was so direct and unedited, it made her feel as though she was a person and not an animal to be pitied because of her family’s circumstances. Other information was provided on trigger warnings, especially how they are actually making people more sensitive to such things in the long run. In order to continue fixing this issue, more people need to stand up like Lukianoff did, and Americans need to shy away from protecting their citizens from displeasing things (Meadors, 2015)(Bennet & Lukianoff, 2015). Protecting young adults from reality is probably one of the worst things America could be doing. In allowing for the complete and utter blockage of anything that could be slightly distasteful to the ears or emotions, america is condemning itself to a nation of mental health disorders. It seems now that Americans don’t describe their personalities but rather by the symptoms of the mental health disorder they have. This could be due to many factors, most of which are discussed by the article by A.G. Walton. The article talks about how even though Americans are seeking treatment and performing research, mental health disorders are on the rise. It has been brought to attention that countries with less money overall are less likely to have high rates of depression. This has led to speculation that depression and the like are perhaps luxury disorders. Also, mood disorders are quite dependent on the comparison with what a person has compared to those surrounding that person. Even though these theories may be true, the less diagnoses could boil down to the fact that it is still rather taboo in most underdeveloped countries or Asian cultures to admit that one has something mentally wrong with them. In realizing that they don’t have to be better than everyone else, and by not coddling children and protecting them from the realities of the world, maybe America could lower the rates of mental illnesses (Walton, 2011). Along with mental illness, America has other illnesses to deal with, much like every other country. Some people, as the world knows, can’t always afford the type of care that is needed to treat them.The problem with America, however, that even though it tries to cover all of these people, it doesn’t. In his article “What’s Wrong With America?” Thomas Magstadt talks specifically about the imbalance of medicare in the United States. He talks about one woman who, when she was in dire need of medicare, was not included within the range of people who actually needed it. The cancer she had hoped would remain in remission suddenly flared back up, just in time for the Affordable Care Act, what she thought would be her saving grace. Unlike what she expected though, living in Kansas, a state with one of the more restrictive programs, she didn’t qualify for any part of it, mostly because Kansas (and all other states) were given the option to deny coverage where they see fit. She is only one of many people affected by this type of politics, which is due mostly to the lack of education the typical American has about healthcare. Americans first need to realize the reality of their healthcare programs, and only then can they work to fix all that is wrong (Magstadt, 2015). Closely related to the healthcare issue, Planned Parenthood is another problem that the United States is having.
Planned Parenthood itself isn’t necessarily the problem, but the people that oppose it. Christian Policy Analysist, Sarah Torre, has many things to say on the issue of Planned Parenthood, although she doesn’t necessarily try to see it from a side other than hers. While reflecting upon rumors about Planned Parenthood selling tissue and body parts of unborn babies, Torre presents that government funding needs to be cut entirely from the organization. She supports her argument by making claims such as Planned Parenthood has enough money, and that there are enough other places for women to get the care and services provided there. Being the leading abortion provider in the US is the authors top reason, however, for prompting her “defund Planned Parenthood” campaign, even though abortions only make up about 3% of all services provided. She claims it is immoral for taxpayers, especially those who are against abortion, to be required to pay for an affiliation that provides the very thing they are so much against. The fact seems to be forgotten that although not everybody believes that healthcare, such as programs provided by the Affordable Care Act, are not approved or liked by everyone. Even so, everybody has to pay taxes that fund these programs, and really how is it different from taxpayers money going to Planned Parenthood? Although she is a woman, Torre seems to have forgotten the battles waged in order for women to have free reign of their own bodies, including the right to choose whether or not they should abort a baby that is unwanted. American’s in general need to realize that women should not be dictated by men, or other women for that matter, no matter where they are coming from. Opinions are not always wanted, and just because someone believes something does not make it right for them to force their beliefs onto other people. Americans need to have
respect for all women, and suck up the fact that they are not going to like very program that their money funds (Torre, 2015). Problems in America are starting to be noticed by other countries. Originally from America, Ann Jones leads the life of a nomad now. She travels around the world, whether it be for work or for fun, and she has a lot to say about how people react when they find out her nationality. Jones discusses how conversations about the United States used to be about other countries’ citizens admired and respected America. Now, with all the national and international affairs, she is questioned more and more about the solidity of the country. Upon returning to America, Jones realized that the things people from other countries noted were in fact things that Americans barely recognized were happening (Jones, 2015). Issues in America can be fixed, and in order to do so, the citizens need to work together. If they learn how to do that, maybe Americans still have a chance at achieving the American Dream.