Directions: This instrument is composed of 24 statements concerning your feelings about communication with other people. Please indicate in the space provided the degree to which each statement applies to you (1) Strongly Agree, (2) Agree, (3) Are Undecided, (4) Disagree, or (5) Strongly Disagree with each statement. There are no right or wrong answers. Many of the statements are similar to other statements. Do not be concerned about this. Work quickly; just record your first impressions.
____2____ 1. I dislike participating in group discussions.
____4______ 2. Generally, I am comfortable while participating in group discussions.
____5______ 3. I am tense and nervous while participating in group discussions.
____3______ 4. I like to get involved in group discussions.
____2______ 5. Engaging in group discussion with new people makes me tense and nervous.
____4______ 6. I am calm and relaxed while participating in group discussions.
____2______ 7. Generally, I am nervous when I have to participate in a meeting.
____4______ 8. Usually I am calm and relaxed while participating in a meeting.
____5______ 9. I am very calm and relaxed when I am called upon to express an opinion at a meeting.
____2______ 10. I am afraid to express myself at meetings.
____2______ 11. Communicating at meetings usually makes me uncomfortable.
____4______ 12. I am very relaxed when answering questions at a meeting.
____2______ 13. While participating in a conversation with a new acquaintance, I feel very nervous.
____5______ 14. I have no fear of speaking up in conversations.
____4______ 15. Ordinarily I am very tense and nervous in conversations.
____2______ 16. Ordinarily I am very calm and relaxed in conversations.
____4______ 17. While conversing with a new acquaintance, I feel very relaxed.
____2______ 18. I am afraid to speak up in conversations.
____5______ 19. I have no fear of giving a speech.
____1______ 20. Certain parts of my body feel very