With the start of a new country rising in the mix of North America, the Early Republic and Nationalist Era in 1789-1849 will predetermine the triumph the United States will have in the new world. As a new form of government emerges the Early Republic and Nationalist Era will become an idea of political freedom throughout the country along with the realization in the Declaration of Independence. Through the years of 1789-1849 America has a necessary goal to uphold the sections of the preamble that they originally promised in the Declaration of Independence drafted in 1776. With the Early Republic and Nationalists Era coming to light promoting the general welfare and securing the blessings of liberty are essential to the upcoming …show more content…
As years pass from America’s independence from Great Britain in 1783, the United States acquires a taste of freedom from its oppressors. Within building a new nation, promoting the general welfare was a necessary idea that needed to be taken in careful measures. America has successfully ensured the prosperity of the economy for the country and its people. Alexander Hamilton created a program in order to ensure economic development and to stabilize the nation financially. Within Hamilton’s program some of his most important measures to ensure economic growth was to create a new national debt and credit. By paying off all the debt America has owed to countries for helping during the Revolutionary War, it proved the legitimacy of the new centralized government. In order to pay off the debts, many wealthy citizens bought bonds from the government to later create a profit. This cycle of buying bonds would help the government pay expenses, such as construction of roads in which would promote stability in the economy and further help secure the federal government. With the success of Hamilton's economic system America has transitioned to a time of conflict. The War of 1812 occurring …show more content…
The essence of freedom and the rights of the people that America is so centralized on begin to break down for the minorities in the country. Disagreements are frequently being brought up about the question of blacks and their association with freedom. As the start of the 1830’s begin many proslavery writers began to question the ethics of slavery from the lack of liberty and equality that the slaves endure. In the Declaration of Independence, it states that all men are created equal and entitled to liberty. A political theorist from South Carolina, John C Calhoun states, that how the Declaration of Independence viewed people with liberty was “The most false and dangerous of all political errors” . John C Calhoun explains how the Declaration of Independence views the citizens of America being untrue and one of the worst errors in politics. With blacks have nearly no liberty and freedom in America along with being constantly shown as inferior to whites, their rights are denied because of their race. The proslavery writers begin to notice the clear violations that slavery has on the Declaration as John C Calhoun is an example of this. As the violation of liberty and rights of blacks proceed to occur throughout America