This difference proceeds from that which exists in their respective Governments; and to the defense of…
New York is one of the most creative states on earth , after all it provided a model for the rest of the United States to build from .This was the constitution of New York , and it has greatly influenced other states in their development and the contents of the federal constitution. Although events like the Peter Zenger trial and British Parliament Government help shape the New York State Constitution .The effect of the events protects our rights as citizens of the state as well.…
The Articles of Confederation, written on November 15, 1777, served as the written document that established the functions of the national government of the United States after it declared independence from Great Britain. However, in September 1787, the U.S. Constitution was written, which helped endure the national government. Many believe that the U.S. Constitution is better than the Articles of Confederation because the Constitution helps strengthen the national government. For example, most power is held by the national government, there are three branches of government, legislative branch has many powers, executive branch is led by the president, there is a judicial system, and there is a firm system of checks and balances. On the other…
While both similar in nature, the Declaration, and Unamended Constitution are two different documents that mirror the aspirations of our early founders. The DOI (Declaration of Independence) is a written statement that says that colonies in America are independent states, also expressing how the colonies are no longer under British rule. On the other hand, the Unamended Constitution is the setup or foundation of the U.S Government. In my personal opinion, they don’t conflict or agree with each other but are built off one another. The DOI was the stepping stone for the Constitution by laying down a foundation of what the U.S Government was supposed to look like, defining the limit of the government's power, and what the function of the government…
Both constitutions empathize on democracy. The constitutions seek to protect the dignity and liberty of man. The constitutions forbid any kind of emotional, psychological, or physical torture. Both constitutions are mindful of the welfare and security of its people despite the freedom of communication the constitutions provide that the freedom can be breached by a judicial decision whenever it is a matter of national security. These…
Even though some countries may be vastly different is ways of cultures and policies, they may still want their government based on the same concepts. That is the way that France and the US were back in the 1700’s with the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Declaration of Independence. Thoughts on limited governments, the rights of men, and popular sovereignty are some points that they have in common. However, some ideas were shared between the two documents because of the authors.…
The Articles of Confederation and the Constitution, although both written documents explaining how the American government would be ran, they have very distinct qualities about them. During the Constitutional Convention, instead of revising the Articles of Confederation as originally planned, those attending the meeting felt that a whole new document needed to be written. Legislation, the sovereignty of states, and the executive branch were all major differences between the two documents.…
The first purpose which was a position taken by Thomas Jefferson was the “a practical purpose”. The practical purpose was to protect people from thieves, bandits, Native Americans and slave uprisings. The second purpose w in emergencies. “ Security of free state” may similarly mean security of a free country. “The People” well this has changed drastically since the creation of the making of the constitution, since slavery. The people means the citizens of the US. “Bear arms” meant to serve as a soldier or to fight (including bearing arms against another man in individual self-defense). And the…
Comparing the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, it is clear that there are many differences in things such as interests and intentions. As I have read through the documents and researched others insight on the documents I have found the differences very interesting.…
the two documents are so innately different. However, there are several notable similarities. In both documents, the United States had a representative government. States would elect a number of officials to assemble in Congress which was headed by a president. This assembly had the power to arbitrate between states. Interestingly, Congress was given power to conscript a navy but not an army. Perhaps they were more concerned about attack by sea than by land.…
The government has honored the preamble in many different ways. For instance, the government has honored the preamble by providing national security. The American government has kept the promise of common defense and domestic tranquility. An example of the government practicing domestic tranquility was enforcing The Patriotic Act. The Patriotic Act was enforced October of 2001, following the attacks on 9/11. The act made it possible to enforce stricter national security and defuse any acts of terrorism. A general act of common defense that the government has done is simply having a strong military, navy, air force and army.…
Giving its citizen a peace of mind and sense of safety and protection. Fortifying the popular support of its people for the success of a new government. As well as unifying the last two remaining states, Rhode Island and North Carolina, who were initially opposed to any form of the Constitution. This made it so that every state would be agreeably accepting of a new federal government run by Federalists.…
In this paper, you will discover what differences and similarities that the U.S. Constitution points out between the federal and state governments. The constitution states in the Articles of the “Bill of Rights” what laws pertain strictly to each the federal and state governments. What is more, there are several points noted that overlap between the two. Numerous locations with information on this topic were found however; I chose to utilize the four noted on the reference page. Our Forefathers wanted to create a nation with a stronger reform to serve all people of the new nation, not a monarchy as they fought to gain freedom from. Hence, the U.S. Constitution was drafted in less than a hundred working days.…
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America”…
Distinction between a written and unwritten constitution is not real. There is no constitution which is either wholly written or entirely unwritten.…