Throughout her struggles, Clairice “Precious” Jones, meets several supports in her life. Though those closest to her; her mother and father, were less than supportive (but also a large part of her struggle); she met …show more content…
I would have established consent as they did in the movie. To ensure that precious is aware of her treatment, and what the plan was from the beginning. I feel as though at times in this film individuals were not as transparent as they could be. It is imperative that during treatment that the therapist informs the client of their treatment and all factors and it is a partnership. The client’s goals and aspirations are paramount (which I think everyone in the film understood completely). Confidentiality I don’t recall as being as much of an issue in the film. However, it is important to have the client sign a confidentiality statement. I know from my work in social work thus far that they must also be informed of the limitations to confidentiality. For example, if a client divulges that they are a danger to themselves, or others; or that they have been harmed in some way they are under obligation as mandated reporters to report to the authorities. I do not recall authorities being involved. I noticed that in the movie “Precious” (2010), that the setting for the appointments with her social worker, Ms. Weiss, was an open plan (similar to a cubicle); my initial thought was that was not very conducive to confidentiality. In my current position at my job we have cubicle like set up; 3 walls and no door, so it is slightly better for confidentiality. I found the floor plan of her