Use your work from P3 and analyse (consider in detail) it e.g. what are your strengths in counselling skills, why you think they are your strengths and where do you use them. What are your weaknesses, why do you think they are your weaknesses and what can you do to turn them into strengths.
For Egan's first stage I think the strengths that I have in counselling would be that I explained to the client about the contract and confidentiality that is included into the contract that is kept between the counsellor and the client and so with this I was able to use this to be able to show the client that this is a professional relationship and so this is explains the guidelines of what is going to happen between the counsellor and client within the sessions and outside of sessions if contact is needed. This is a strength because the client will think that I am professional because we need to go through the contract first before the starting of any sessions so then they know what is going to happen in the sessions that they are having. It would also be a strength because if I did not explain the contracting at the start of the session then the client would not know what the counsellor does about contacting, name, address, and also if they have been referred here by their GP and explain to them if they need more specialised help and so they would explain at the start if the counsellor would have to refer their client onto someone more specialised so this would be a client that might have drinking or drugs problems and so they would need to explain first that they might refer later on in the sessions and the warning of sending them on.
I was also able to explain that confidentiality was also a strength because if the client didn’t know that the confidentiality during the sessions then they might not be open to telling me the counsellor about what their issue is and so then I might take the information