(ACA Code of Ethics, 2014). It is also supported as cited in Assessment Guide for
Career and Guidance Counselling (2011), understanding client’s personal capability, aptitudes through work experience, social contribution, individual action furthermore incorporate instructive accomplishments, range of ability, language spoken and lastly it incorporate
sociodemographic components, for example, age, gender, ethnicity, legitimate status, common status, conjugal, parental or family obligations and monetary assets and transportation might likewise be considered as individual assets. From the above statements, I understand that the counselor needs to gather information on the client’s personal resources to be able to understand more about the client’s achievements, competency, experiences and family background in regards of the client’s role in the his family and his financial status. Gathering of this information would attain the right appropriate tool for the assessment.
Another purpose of assessment in career counseling is to understand the client’s personality in a psychological functioning view. According to Assessment
Guide for Career and Guidance Counseling (2011), psychological functioning involves the attention of the client’s characteristics as examples like interests, values, abilities and the elements associated with the client’s experience are like religious beliefs, thoughts, behavior, recognizing level of self-esteem, confidence, coping strategies and also identifying the client’s mental health. To my understanding from the above statement, it is a need for the counselor to be able to assess the client’s personality on the characteristics of the examples given above as