MA also revealed in her history that she become aggressive in certain situation where she cannot handle her feelings and wants an outburst.
Broken or Sketchy lines:
Kopitz: Feeling of fearfulness, insecurity, feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, stubbornness & negativisms.
Drawing 2
*Asymmetry: Gross asymmetry of limbs seems to be associated with poor coordination and impulsiveness, Machover hypothesized that a general disturbance in symmetry on a HFD is a neurotic manifestation but also reflects incoordination physical awkwardness, physical inadequacy or a confusion of lateral dominance.
*Hair Emphasis: MA drawing has more focused on hairs, indication of strive for vitality, could refer to sexual energy or kind of impulses of arousal or striving for physical satisfaction.
Overall, the client holds positive view about the world. She appears to be a completely mature person that has distinctive personality but have identity confusion. She is an intelligent individual who takes appropriate decisions and has the power to cope through stressful situations. She is an inter-personally and intra-personally stable and adjusting