The elements of the built environment which have been discussed up to this point all contribute to and affect preferred environments. Such environments are places that people seek out. In these places, people feel competent and confident and are able to make sense of the environment while also being engaged with it. Research in environmental psychology has expanded the theory of preferred environments to include the notion of coherence within a space. Coherence is a term which refers to having a sense that all of the parts in a given environment are contextually appropriate and inherently fit together. In other words, a coherent space is one that psychologically “feels right.” These comprehensive environments are restorative and evidence has shown that people instinctively seek them out. In general, preferred environments are thought to increase health, sense of wellbeing, and behavioral effectiveness in humans. (De Young)
USER CONTROL OF SPACE Personality, sensory differences, and culture determine the general level of control desired at various times, though all people are more comfortable and satisfied in spaces when the control they have matches the control they want. When people do not feel in control of what happens to them in a space, they become stressed, discouraged, and frustrated (Augustin, 29).
SPACE USE UNDER (SEMI-) NATURAL CONDITIONS OF RABBITS Being able to live in a way that is natural for a species is seen as an important aspect of welfare (Fraser, 2009). wild rabbits are common. Their behaviour differs little from that of domestic rabbits (Hoy, 2006). The mean home range of wild rabbits was estimated at 2200 m for males and 1600 m for females, whilst inter-pair distances of adult fattening rabbits in semi-natural conditions were 21-24 m on average(Vastrade, 1987)
ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR OF RABBIT ` Biting parts of the cage is