The database of wishlist are properly made. They have their own tables and relationship with other tables and wordpress database is properly implemented. Pro: customizing functions by getting data from the database that wishlist doesn’t have in functions or shortcodes can be done with a simple mysql query.
The database of premise doesn’t exist. Premise is using posts and posts meta to as a database. They are relating the files by linking them to each other by tagging by post id. A simple record can be interconnected by 3-5 posts. Just to complete a record. Getting data can be complicated. Sometimes, impossible.
Wishlist offer’s a complete package that can be use for user management and other functionalities are superb for our needs.
Limited functionalities and membership management is not meant for a school. It is more close for a online selling portal. They track user management by order id, making it difficult because users can have more than one order.
Integration with other 3rd party providers
Wishlist has little integration with other service providers. Thus you’d be redirecting to other domains.
Premise has a good integration with other providers, like aweber, mailchip, paypal, etc... that will allow you to use their services and integrate it to your site easily.
Wishlist has a lot of short codes that can be used, both in php and wordpress level. Easy to use and customizable.
Premise has a lot of short codes but has little room for customization. The shortcodes were made in a way that you can customize only a little.
Wishlist has a lot of support in their website along with other people who are using wishlist.
Premise has limited support in their website, unless it would be direct support. It also reflects in the community. There is little, and even almost no support at all from other people who are