General Purpose: To inform
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience on how to have a successful interview
INTRODUCTION I. I hope that we will be achieving one of our major goals in life soon….graduating from college. All the tests, papers, and projects will be over. What a relief! (Attention) II. Although we will no longer have to worry about grades, we will have to worry about something even more important….getting a job. It will determine our future, how we live…where we live…and whether or not we are content with what we decide to do. Therefore, we need to know how to effectively interview for a job. (Significance) III. I have been on 6 prior interviews, and I have learned through the research that I have done for this speech, hold true. (Credibility) IV. Today I will be telling you about the four main steps to follow in preparing for a job interview. (Topic/Purpose) V. I will be discussing how to research the company, how to analyze and prepare yourself, how to prepare yourself for the questions that your perspective employer may ask you, and how to prepare everything the night before the interview. (Preview)
(Link to body: To begin with,)
I. You need to research the company thoroughly to find out what this company is all about. There are different ways to research the company you are interviewing with. A. You can use the Internet 1. Read the “About Us” page on the company website. And if the company has a mission statement… you should definitely know it. 2. There is a large company dadtabase called LInkedIn- there is an article in businessweek. Liz Ryan is an expert on the new-millennium workplace and a former Fortune 500 HR executive who wrote this article for Businessweek. She suggested LinkedIn (“features its own employer listings, plus bios (written by none other than the great men and women themselves, or people willing to try to sound like