Yesika Melani (0403512017)
Indira Paramitha (0403512018)
Muhammad imadudin (040351201)
General info
• Title of book : Membaca Sastra
• Publisher
• Year
: Indonesia Tera
: 2002
• Author
: Melani Budianta, Manneke
Budiman, Ibnu Wahyudi, and I Made
• Pages
: 256 Pages
This book tells more deep about literature includes three parts of literature there is Poem,
Prose, and Drama. They tell in the book that literature can be used to criticize something, to share what we are feeling about love, angry, or sad, and literature is very interesting with the way to show about the nature.
Content example
There is part in the book talk about poems that explained in very detail. The book gives the concept and definition of it, and also examples.
After that they give a question to us to answer.
The goal of the book is to help us understand about literature itself from many types not only poems but also drama and prose.
We think that the accuracy of the book is accurate because not only explained by author’s opinion but they also insert many literature master opinion. They also give many examples that make that sense to the explanation.
The book is very well-organized so that the readers will understand the author explanation. The author makes the contents of the book in terms of language more easy to understand.
This book using many simple sentences, easy to understand and every each section of material more organized.
• We can see this book using simple sentence to make it easier to understand,
“Teks ini sama sekali tidak puitis dan nadanya seperti nada seseorang yang sedang bercerita tentang sesuatu yang sepele”
Sepele in here means simple things, in Indonesia formal sentence can be “hal yang sederhana” but the author used sepele to be more informal and more understandable.
• This book is talk about the whole aspect of