ENC1101: English Composition Due: October 9, 2012
705877 T/TR (8:30-9:45PM)
Exploring the two presidential candidates of 2012
Thesis Statement: The purpose of this essay is to explore the two presidential candidates, Governor Mitt Romney and current President Barack Obama so far as it relates to their positions on health care, education and their values as individuals.
I. Introduction & Judy’s story
II. Health care A. Barack Obama
1. Affordable insurances
2. Companies will not be allowed to refuse insurance because of previous illnesses
3. Enables young adults to stay in parents insurance plan until age 26 B. Mitt Romney 1. Stop grants to Medicaid 2. Seniors will be given money to purchase their own insurances 3. Agrees somewhat with Barack Obama’s health care
III. Education A. Barack Obama 1. Provide double Pell Grant money 2. Give rewarding incentives to good teachers 3. Give states the freedom to create individual plans B. Mitt Romney 1. Pell Grant money will be diminished for millions of students 2. Cut down on teachers 3. His bizarre statement on education
IV. Values A. Mitt Romney
1. Apposes same sex marriage
2. Pro-life abortion
3. End funding to Planned Parenthood B. Barack Obama 1. Supports same sex marriage 2. Pro-choice abortion 3. Jobs and education to people with disabilities