Assignment 1: Written Essay 1500-2000 words
Topic: “Pressure ulcers are debilitating for the client and yet they are largely preventable”.
Word count from Introduction to Conclusion: 1520
This paper will discuss how pressure ulcers are essentially a serious problem within healthcare settings and how prevention is accountable in the development in pressure ulcers. The paper explores various ways to prevent pressure ulcers, reducing the risk factors, the responsibility of the duty of care of patients and the use of risk assessment tools. In order to prevent pressure ulcers, remove the risk. Evidence for this paper was gathered from seven peer reviewed journal articles from the online database CINAHL, a government website QLD Health and from various books.
Table of Contents
Abstract 2
Introduction 4
General Disscussion 5
Conclusion 10
Reference 11
Apendix 12
Pressure ulcers are serious problems for patients and healthcare settings and are responsible for high treatment costs and even death. With the increase in the aging population and fewer resources, the intensity of pressure ulcers in patients in healthcare settings will only increase without the appropriate prevention techniques to prevent these risks from occurring. This paper will look at the risk factors that contribute to pressure ulcers such as the intrinsic and extrinsic factors, and how to prevent these factors from occurring. The final part of this paper will then examine the use of risk assessment tools to discover what degree a person is at risk of developing a pressure ulcer and some examples of risk assessment tools that are available and best suited to the situation.
General Discussion
Pressure ulcers can be very distressing and become a real problem for patients and health care facilities. According to Nelson (2003) the inconvenience of a developed pressure ulcer in hospital includes inconvenience to