Pretty Little Liars is a television show based on a set of novels that focuses on the lives of four teenage girls and the struggles that they face daily. After the murder of their cliques Queen Bee, Alison, each girl begins to get harassed and an anonymous bully threatens to expose all of their secrets. They are abused mentally after what seems like a never ending search to discover who the anonymous person that is harassing them is. The strong relationship that the girls maintain through their anxiety ridden high school career shows us that friendship can help to keep you strong. We will be looking specifically at Abnormal Behavior demonstrated throughout the girls high school days; Social identity theory demonstrated by Alison; and bulimia nervosa demonstrated by Hannah, who is targeted for being overweight.
Topic #1 Abnormal Behavior
In Pretty Little Liars, after Alison is murdered there is a long investigation searching for her murderer. The girls come up with many different theories as to who murdered Alison, and in some cases they even make themselves out to look guilty. Eventually, one of the characters, Ian, committed suicide and in his suicide note he confessed to murdering Alison. After Ian admitted to the crime, the case was dropped and the people of Rosewood, PA were able to move forward with their lives without worry. However, the girls were not satisfied with the suicide note and believe that there are still many unanswered questions. Their parents and the people of Rosewood find it very troubling that the girls continue to search for an answer after Ian confessed, and force the girls to stay away from each other for some time. The girls were asked to stay away from each other because people thought they might be dangerous, and they were even enrolled in counseling. On the inside, the girls were breaking, but on the outside, they still looked picture perfect and never let anyone know about their struggles.
Abnormal behavior is broken
References: King, L. (2009). Experience Psychology (First Edition). New York: McGraw-Hill. King, M. (Producer). (2010). Pretty Little Liars [Television]. United States: ABC Family.