The food process was directly affected by the rise in oil prices. As oil prices increased, fertilizer, food transpiration and industrial agricultural prices rose as well. Rice prices were up 217%, wheat 136%, corn 125% , soybeans 107%, and the prices of meat and dairy more than doubled. Discussion after the food crisis focused on quick fixes of contributing factors—like increase use of bio energy — to prevent price growth, food production should outpace population growth. During this time, the price hike of food lead to many people switching to small scale farmers and buying from farmers markets because they were cheaper. There are three major aspects of the small scale organic farming that are important to note.
The first is simply helping the local farmers. You support your neighbors and are putting a face to who is growing what you are eating. Local business have a hard time competing against large agribusiness. Supporting local farmers is rebuilding the local food economy. Farmers markets are cost effective to the farmers because they are guaranteed immediate sales (because people come at the same time once or twice a week) with low fixed costs. Therefore farmers can farm full time, and be part time retailers. This cost effective opportunity makes business profitable, and encourages farmers to keep