In that assignment I am going to present research done for Coca Cola water brand Dasani which failed in 2004. That research is would be done to find out is launching going to be successful.
As a sample Dasani could offer a small 250ml bottles for shopping centre customers. And on the exit of shopping centre interviewer could ask people what you can say about Dasani water or how you rate that bottle of water.
Questionnaire is designed with short questions with answers to choose and 1 open question to find out customers preferences when they choosing water..
Short questions are chosen because, people are busy and if questionnaire takes a long time to do they are not happy to do it and they not going to be honest with questionnaire.
First question that asks have you heard about Dasani before helps to sort out, if customer knows Dasani history. If they don’t then Coca cola can expect them as potential customer, if they know what happened before Coca cola in future have to change their opinions.
Have you ever heard about Dasani water ?
No Yes
Are you drinking water every day, if yes how many litres a day?
No Yes ( Litres)
What is the most important factor to you , when you are buying water?
How much you consider would be appropriate for 0.5 litre of water ?
Please Tick other brands that you have tried before. Tesco water Sainsbury’s water Evian Volvic Aquafina Perrier Vittel S.Pellegrino Barjomi Cristaline
For survey, Coca cola will use the same questions with opportunity to add comments. Survey should be done on internet, as a pop up on websites that are related to healthy life style. Pop ups will come up and ask “ could you give a few short answers to support our new