Principles and practice of assessment
Kerryann Kelly
Research on peer and self assessment was completed to help increase understanding and to obtain further background information on this topic. The method I used to research this topic was through primary and secondary research. Primary research was through my own learning experience. Discussions with my tutor and observation of tutor led power point presentations; gathering of handouts and through the exchange of information with my peers.
Within my own teaching subject, it is a specification that learners are to practice peer and self assessment. I have had the opportunity to plan my lessons based on this criteria. Secondary research has been through reading my course specification and identifying the criteria needed to meet the peer and self assessment standards. I have also chosen to use the book; Petty, G (2008) Teaching Today. I have chosen to start with this book as the text in the publication is to support my studies and is relevant to my programme of study.
This paper will justify the use of peer and self-assessment to promote learner involvement and personal responsibility in the assessment of their learning. To support the use of these assessment methods, this paper will look at different theorists and give examples of relationships to theory.
Wilson, L (2008) explains that “Both peer and self – assessment generally lead to reflective practice. Both are the ability to judge oneself and involve a critical analysis of the individual learner. Peer assessment is based on learning from each other and is therefore a good way to share ideas and best practice.
I agree with Wilson, I would also add that peer and self assessment can be useful to motivate learners. However, this should be managed carefully, as you may have some learners who use it as an opportunity to demoralise another learner if they don’t get along.
For self-assessment I have chose to look at some
Bibliography: Black and William assessment for learning (1998), Available from [Accessed 03 June 2010] Gravells, A (2009) Principles and practice of assessment in the lifelong learning sector, Learning Matters Kolbs learning style (1984), Available from [Acessed 03 June 2010] Nicol D (2004), Available from [Accessed 04 June 2010] Petty, G. (2004) (3RD Edn) Teaching Today. Nelson Thornes Petty, G Wiggins, (1997), Available from [Accessed 04 June 2010] Wilson, L (2008) Practical Teaching A Guide to PTTLS & CTTLS: Melody Dawes (publishers) Ltd