Laguna State Polytechnic University
San Pablo City Campus
Del Remedio, San Pablo City
Graduate Studies and Applied Research
Subject: Cognate 209- Curriculum Development and Recent Trends
Professor: Prof. Lorna C. Daniel
Discussant: Ms. Ma. Alona T. Dimaculangan
Topics: Qualities and Characteristics of Leadership Principles of Educational Leadership
Principles and Procedures for Developing Curriculum Improvement
Qualities and Characteristics of Leadership
Leadership a process through which persons or groups intentionally influence others in the development and attainment of group or organizational goals; it includes “verbal and nonverbal behavior, which are components of communication in the decision- making processes of individuals and groups”; and it is exercised “when an individual, group, or organization purposely affects the thoughts, feelings, or behavior of others in the formulation or achievement of common or compatible goals through coercion, influence, guidance, supervision, or consultation. (Newell, 1978, p.222; also see Stogdill, 1974, pp.7-16)
Types of Leadership
1. Status Leadership- leadership associated with a particular position such as school superintendent, university president, principal, secretary, consultant, or board chairman.
2. Emergent Leadership- is often exercised by someone who holds no special position. For example, a group member who does not hold any special office or job in a group may express a useful idea, ask a penetrating question, help the group to formulate a plan, or work behind the scenes and make useful suggestions to a status leader.
Styles of Leadership One consequence of the studies by Lewin, Lippitt, and White has been the considerable attention given three types
Bibliography: Andres, Tomas Quintin D. and Francisco Felizardo Y. Curriculum Development in the Philippine Setting. Quzon City: National Book Store, Inc. 1989 Aquino, Gaudencio V. Curriculum Planning for Better Schools. Quezon City: Rex Printing Company, Inc., 2000