Melissa Mouradjian
Grand Canyon University
November 12, 2014
Donald Schielke
Curriculum and inadequate instruction both have their pros and cons when it comes to the decision-making process of what works best to achieve higher level learning among students. Curriculum mainly focuses on the knowledge and skills that are important to learn where as instruction is what learning will be achieved to meet the needs of students, standardized testing, and outcomes. Teachers in the 21st century have to employ instructional strategies that are innovative, research-proven techniques/strategies, technologies, and real world resources-contexts in order to differentiate among the many learning styles in the classroom. If the curriculum is weak, it does not provide the students with the necessary knowledge in order to master standards. If the instruction is inadequate, then students will not benefit from the content being taught which will lead to further failure among students. Teachers have to provide a curriculum with adequate resources that will allow for students to be knowledgeable in skills necessary to be promoted to the next grade level as well as an instruction that consist of high level learning and strategies that will allow for academic growth and success. The purpose of this assignment is to analyze weak curriculum as well inadequate instruction and the causes as to why they lead to low achievements among students.
Grading System The grading system has dramatically changed in the 21st century which consist of standards-based report cards. Educators are required to grade students of academic achievement of content knowledge of subjects being taught. The sole purpose of grading is to accurately show data pertaining to levels of academic achievements that students have mastered or obtained that is mandated in order for promotion to the next grade level. The problem here is are the grades being
References: McMillian, J. (2008). Secondary teachers’ classroom assessment and grading practices. Educational measurement: Issues and practice 20:1, (pg. 21). O’Connor, K. (2007). A repair kit for grading: 15 fixes for broken grades. Portland, OR: Educational Testing Service. (pgs. 172-173). Tomlinson, C. (2006). Integrating differentiated instruction: Understanding by design. Alexandria, VA: ASCD (pg. 4).