Finally, these problems can be addressed by provision of plea guidelines to prosecutors which they scrutinizes for racial disparity, and reduce the power of the prosecutor from threatening people with long sentences if they go to trial. The District Attorney should look at the plea bargaining outcomes and look …show more content…
for unwarranted racial disparity and revise their policy accordingly.
In conclusion, overcrowding in the nation's prisons is a serious impediment to a fair and effective criminal justice system.
Most administrators support building, and feel new prison construction will improve inmate living conditions and perhaps relieve overcrowding; however, many observers have concluded that it will be impossible to solve the prison crowding problem by capacity expansion. Institutions generally have a long lead time between the point when policy makers approve their construction and the date when they actually admit inmates. Even with accelerated development schedules, prefabricated and modular designs and the other innovations which are increasingly being used to bring new space online as quickly as possible, prison construction takes time and expensive (Cox JR & Rhodes, 1990). Additionally, some states are experiencing such rapid prison population growth that institutional construction cannot possibly keep the level of crowding constant, much less reduce it. It is apparent that many states will not be able to build their way out of the prison overcrowding dilemma and as a result,