
Prison Reform

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The United States has one of the highest rates of inmates globally. The majority of the inmate’s ages vary from 31- 40 ( These are the ages where people are productive and becoming the most effective part of the economy. The inmates are being held in prison and are a part of the violence and the unpredicted behaviors that is happening inside the prisons. Prisons are supposed to be places that change and develop people to the better. Instead it is a place deprived of humanity and consciousness, which leads to recidivism and behavioral violence. Prison reform is needed because it would help increase economic growth, reduce the number of prisons needed, and help allocate taxpayer’s money to education and healthcare. Above all, they are …show more content…

The violent environment presented against the inmates in prison is not helping them to develop themselves. The main idea of prison is to ameliorate inmates and provide them with motives that makes them not to commit crime again. This violence tends to add more instability into the inmates behaviors. For this reason inmates are not reforming the way they are supposed to. Statistics show that “About 52% of substantiated incidents of sexual victimization in 2011 involved only inmates, while 48% of substantiated incidents involved staff with inmates.” ( The statistics of the Bureau Justice Department presents a good example of the instability in the inmate’s life-quality inside the prison. Almost half of the inmates are exposed to behavioral violence. In order for inmates to start rehabilitating, the violence inside prisons should be controlled, so that inmates could have times for themselves while doing their rehabilitation programs without any distress. Some might say that inmates are in prison because they caused violence and insecurity to the society and they should be offered the same thing in prisons. Despite all of that, the inmates are still human-beings and their actions occurred due to their instability and they can be helped in prison so they would not cause this …show more content…

A bad start in childhood could be something like; having parents who are drug addicts or become influenced by friends who do drugs. Drug addicts tend to use drugs as a relief from the hardships they face in life; those hardships could also be related to unstable financial status which could also lead to the lack of awareness and education. For that reason, prisons should work more on providing drug rehab programs. According to the Federal Bureau of Prisons; 46.6% of inmates offenses are due to drug offenses ( The statistics show the almost half of the inmates are facing offenses because of drugs. If those inmates were rehabilitated— a sufficient amount of the people in prison could be gone. In addition, having a society free of drug use could be a significant breakthrough. A drug-free society could be more productive and also could find a better way for spending their

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