Have you ever wondered if your privacy isn't at all private? Well what I'm about to explain the answer to this question. Many of us believe that our life with technology is private and that only they can know what is happening in their device. The book 1984 is about a totalitarian government and an image called “Big Brother” watches their every move and the “thought police” catches those who think of a crime or those who have committed them and torture comes along. Those who act to their backs on Big Brother are sentenced to torture to learn to love the created image. As I get further into detail, I am going to explain why. 1984 warns people about the future and what we can do to prevent it from happening. They …show more content…
The way the government is portioned today is horrible. Our life is turned around by the new president and the way the government secretly watches our every move. They invade our privacy and find information without giving the people direct permission. This is similar to Big Brother in the book 1984. The way the book and the real world today are similar is because we are being watched our every movement without permission. In the book 1984 written by George Orwell, the book is based on a dystopian world. The character named Winston hates BB and is put in torture with Julia where they are learning to love BB. While at the time they are continually being watched. “War is peace, Freedom is slavery, Ignorance is strength.” George Orwell, quote 1984. No one should give up the aspects of their personal privacy just because the government is secretly monitoring us. This is a free country where the people have the rights to do whatever they desire to do and say. “Big Brother is watching you.” At both time periods from the book to which we live for today, the quote from the book is a great example. We are being monitored and that should come to an