Professor Davies
English 101
1 December 2015
Assisted suicide in terminally ill patients
“To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity.” Nelson Mandela. What are human rights? The right to life, the right to our bodies? Do we have a right to control how we die? Assisted suicide or euthanasia is medically receiving help to end one's life and it is legal in five states. Despite being a highly debated issue there has yet to be a consensus on the ethics of performing euthanasia. While those in favor of euthanasia say that people have the right to end their suffering on their own terms and the legalization will permit much needed regulations to protect the patient from abuse; those against assisted suicide argue that the practice contradicts …show more content…
the very tenants of being a health care provider, people should focus on improving the health care system rather than stifling the chance for life, and religious ramifications.
One of the most powerful arguments pro-assisted suicide is that terminally ill patients should have control over how they go especially if they are in pain. “The right of a competent, terminally ill person to avoid excruciating pain and embrace a timely and dignified death bears the sanction of history and is implicit in the concept of ordered liberty.” (ProCon.) They argue that if a patient is of sound mind and possess the means to do so, they should be allowed to end their lives on their own terms. In the documentary The Trouble with Dying, filmmakers follow the stories of two women with debilitating diseases, multiple sclerosis and ovarian cancer, who are pro-euthanasia. The woman with multiple sclerosis, a painful terminal disease that atrophies muscles, says “It’s my life. It should be my death.” She also feels that when she becomes a
burden that is her time to go and be remembered for what she was: a mother, a teacher, and a fighter (Problem with Dying). People on the other side of this debate argue that complication from euthanasia may provide even greater pain to already suffering individuals. "In cases, the death lingers for hours. It's not a dignified death. It's not pretty to watch somebody struggle with breathing.” It is reported that up to 7% of assisted suicides committed have induced more suffering and pain for an already dying patient (Pro Con). Others believe that suicide no matter what the context is still suicide and should be treated as mental illness. But patient Brittany Maynard, like many others suffering from terminal illnesses, feels differently. "There is not a cell in my body that is suicidal or that wants to die. I want to live. I wish there was a cure for my disease but there's not... My glioblastoma is going to kill me, and that's out of my control.” (ProCon).
Those pro-euthanasia also believe that legalization would bring much needed regulation in the practice. People for the issue contend that assisted suicide already happens behind closed doors, and the government has a responsibility to protect those who make the choice instead of condemning them. Those against, however, feel that legalization of euthanasia would only lead to more corruptness. “Laws against euthanasia and assisted suicide are in place to prevent abuse and to protect people from unscrupulous doctors and others. They are not and never have been, intended to make anyone suffer.”
The next issue of debate is whether physicians are apt to make a life and death decision. All aspiring doctors must take the Hippocratic Oath. It is an agreement to uphold a certain morality to the field of medicine. “Above all, I must not play God.” is one of the more powerful lines in the oath.